Save the Delta Queen: A private initiative to save the steamboat Delta Queen A private initiative to save the steamboat Delta Queen
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The world is looking at the Delta Queen

Aug 16, 2008

The world is looking at America, the world is watching the US Congress allowing more than 80 years of American History being destroyed forever, the historic steamboat Delta Queen vanishing from our rivers. The whole world is watching? Yes, almost! I’ve just checked the server statistics for the last 4 weeks and found visitors from the following countries:

  • Canada
  • Mexico
  • Peru
  • Panama
  • Brazil
  • Norway
  • Finland
  • Sweden
  • Denmark
  • Poland
  • Germany
  • Austria
  • United Kingdom
  • France
  • Italy
  • Spain
  • Portugal
  • Czech Republic
  • Croatia
  • Hungary
  • Romania
  • Bulgaria
  • Greece
  • Turkey
  • Iran
  • United Arab Emirates
  • Egypt
  • Algeria
  • Tunesia
  • Senegal
  • Nigeria
  • Namibia
  • South Africa
  • Pakistan
  • India
  • Bangladesh
  • Japan
  • China
  • Taiwan
  • South Korea
  • Thailand
  • Indonesia
  • Malaysia
  • Philppines
  • Papua New Guinea
  • Australia
  • New Zealand

Going back 3 months of server statistics, there are even more countries where people read about the Delta Queen on

  • Argentina
  • Chile
  • Iceland
  • Ireland
  • Slovakia
  • Macedonia
  • Lithuania
  • Latvia
  • Estonia
  • Malawi
  • Tanzania
  • Uganda
  • Iraq
  • Kuwait
  • Vietnam

Isn’t that something to think about? People all around the world are caring about the Delta Queen. Why doesn’t the US Congress?

Your support is needed!

There is only one way to save the Delta Queen! We need an exemption from the US Congress. Contact your Senators and urge them to support the exemption to save the Delta Queen. Senator George Voinovich of Ohio is going to introduce an exemption bill in the Senate shortly after Labor Day. He need as much Senators to support him as possible to be successful.

Also don’t forget to let your Senators know that the Delta Queen is not a safety issue as claimed by her opponents.


3 Responses to “The world is looking at the Delta Queen”

  1. Michael R Muurphy Says:

    Save the Delta Queen. She is not quilty of any thing.

  2. Dennis Paul Habern Says:

    Greetings From Germany:

    I am an American citizen, currently residing in Germany.

    While perusing the Internet, I discovered your advertise-

    ment concerning the appalling “Steamboat/Paddlewheel”

    crisis that American History is now facing. I am not

    privy to the entire ramifications in which this theme

    has been made public. I am a Social Studies/History,

    teacher; therefore, I cannot imagine any American

    politician demanding a part of our history, to be either

    destroyed or curtailed. It is not advantageous to his

    career, nor is it helpful in portraying one of the

    orginal images of American History. If it is a matter

    of upkeep or any other type of issue concerning

    protecting one facet of our American History, then,

    this conundrum should be brought to the attention of

    every American citizen. The voice of the American

    people have been heard in prior issues. This is one

    cause that the Federal Government should champion. For

    example, if the Lincoln Memorial required upkeep, would

    these same Federal employees indicate that it should be

    torn down or replaced with another theme? It is

    evident, that all Americans may have Political

    differences, but when American History is involved,

    we should all be on the same page. We know from the

    past, that neglect, unwillingness, and perhaps War,

    have been leading factors in the destruction of any

    countrys History; the Acropolis in Greece and Colosseum

    in Rome are two good examples, not forgetting the

    monuments in Egypt that were left to decay in accordance

    with weather and time. Today, we have the technology

    to ensure that our history will not be lost. In the

    past, as mentioned above, nobody really cared.

    In order to preserve our History, I believe that most

    Americans would be willing to donate at least one-

    dollar per year, from their annual income.

    That’s it from this side of the ocean.

    Hope to hear from you soon.

    Dennis P. Habern, Msgt, USAF, Retired

  3. Mike Murphy Says:

    Its a crying shame to what is happing to the Delta Queen. I happen to be a towboat Captain that works on the western rivers. Ohio, Mississippi river. What the simple laymen (congress) doesn’t understand is that the Queen is an “inspected” vessel. The boat I work on is uminpected, soon to be a inspected vessel. Which means as an inspected vessel the vessel has to meet the requirments of the United States Coast Guard. Which means the coast guard inspects the vessel, if the vessel does not meet the standard requirements they can have it tied up until it passes inspection. After all these years of meeting the requirments it’s all of a sudden not sea worthy. The Captains on the Queen work diligently with there company and vice versa to stay in the guide lines required. The Delta Queen has meet and is up to the standards or it wouldn’t of been running on the waterways for the years it has been. I’m telling you it has to me a union thing some one on the inside. Some little piss ain’t isn’t getting there way so they want to destroy a legacey and put honest river men and women out of a job. The Delta Queen is the river, like Peter Fonda is to Easy Rider. It’s wrong wrong wrong. If they stop the Queen it be like pulling the hot dogs and peanuts out of all the ball parks. Save the Queen.