I love the Delta Queen
Aug 3, 2007
No caption needed for this picture … “Capt.” Leonie (7) has painted it right after she has heard that the Delta Queen will probably stop operations end of 2008. Leonie has a record of 3 Delta Queen and 3 Mississippi Queen cruises plus an American Queen cruise in less than two weeks from now.
August 13th, 2007 at 3:55 pm
she is right you know. i mean de-comissioning the queen would be just wrong! my name is liam dancey,i am an 11 year old boy from sycamore illinois,and i know almost everything there is to know about the queen. she was commisioned on the west coast on the sacremento river as an overnight car ferry along with the delta king. then as world war 2 came she was used as a yard ferry until the war was over and then was bought by tom green,then completly boarded up for protection,went through the panama canal. after that,she began service as a cruise boat on the missouri,ohio,and mississippi rivers,until 1966 when solas came along saying the delta queen was no longer safe. so then the save the delta queen petition was made and kept sailing for the next 41 years with renewal from solas until 2007 when solas isent renewing! the delta queen is a part of the american heritage,take a peek at the queens safety records and tell me what you thought of that. taking the queen away will badly damage the american way. me and thousands of other people are beging for a renewal. solas makes me cry!!!!!!
August 17th, 2007 at 5:34 am
I was blessed to go on a cruise on the Delta Queen when I was 15 years old. I have had many occasions to patronize the grand old Lady and entertain the guests on the piano or calliope since 1977. To have her laid up as a hotel or museum would be a sad deal! I see What eventually happens to old things that ran on steam, {Museum of transport in St. Louis comes to mind!} People eventually forget idle things and the poor steam locomotives eventually rust away. Even Steamboat Museums up and down the Mississippi River have towboats and ect preserved but slowly slipping away. I will do whatever it takes to write congress, petition, ect… God save OUR Queen! Sincerely, Allen Dale Strange .
August 17th, 2007 at 3:07 pm
The Delta Queen must be allowed to sail. Precautions are taken to guard against fire. There are many more dangerous conditions allowed to exist in this country why now pick on the Delta Queen.
August 17th, 2007 at 6:10 pm
August 18th, 2007 at 8:05 pm
Please help save the Delta Queen.
She is a national treasure and I have to note her excellent safety record when I say the removal of her from our waterways doesn’t make any sense at all.
August 20th, 2007 at 6:24 pm
Please do everything to save the Delta Queen. Having been born in St. Louis and loving the mighty Mississippi and the steamboats, I too think it would be a great loss were the Delta Queen not to be exempted from SOLA. We need to treasure our heritage and past and not destroy it the way the Taliban destroyed the treasure in Afghanistan.
August 21st, 2007 at 1:41 am
I think that the safety record should be looked at there are too many decissions that are made for what is considered safety. If someone wishes to take a passage on the Delta Queen they will be aware that is does not have what is considered as a safety release.I for one know that I would want to take a the voyage as the Delta Queen is now. I would want to be on the Queen with the most original parts it ca have not someone telling me I can not take a passage on her because it is a safety issue. I feel there is more danger in someone traveling in an automobile then enjoying a part of the pass. Look at the news jets exploding,earthquakes and floods. Save the the Delta Queen
August 21st, 2007 at 1:44 am
Hope Ferry Says:
August 21st, 2007 at 1:41 am
I think that the safety record should be looked at there are too many decissions that are made for what is considered safety. If someone wishes to take a passage on the Delta Queen they will be aware that is does not have what is considered as a safety release.I for one know that I would want to take a the voyage as the Delta Queen is now. I would want to be on the Queen with the most original parts it can have not someone telling me I can not take a passage on her because it is a safety issue. I feel there is more danger in someone traveling in an automobile then enjoying a part of the past. Look at the news jets exploding,earthquakes and floods. Save the the Delta Queen
August 23rd, 2007 at 6:01 am
I am 10 years old and I come from the town of Stockton, California the Delta Queen’s first homeport.I have grew up listening to stories from my grandfather about his encounters of the Delta Queen when he moved here in 1935 at age 12.Now I am telling him about facts he never knew about the Delta Queen.I have recently told him about the stopping of the Delta Queen’s cruises up the Mississippi River and you should have seen the expression on his face.It was as if his heart had sunk thousands of feet.Would you ever want to see a 82 year old man with that feeling.He never rode the Delta Queen,but he had always mentioned of taking me to ride on it.If this terrible rumor becomes reality I will never get to ride the Delta Queen and will have to grow up with a broken heart when I go back and think about it.I love the Delta Queen!
August 27th, 2007 at 4:56 pm
I have lived on the Mississippi River all my life and I guess I have taken the Delta Queen for granted. When I was little I would go down Silver Street in Natchez, Ms. just to watch it dock. Now I enjoy taking my grandkids. Our sleepy little towns will not be be the same without the lovely music heard throughout the Natchez & Vidalia area. Sure the Mississippi Queen & the American Queen are nice but it’s our little Delta Queen we love so dearly.
August 27th, 2007 at 5:50 pm
As executive producer of The Unsinkable Delta Queen, I would like to add my voice to the chorus of those who believe that, once again, The Delta Queen needs to be saved.
We at Sentimental Productions regard the Delta Queen as an old friend. Our video program recounted its history, with special emphasis on the fight in Congress in 1970. Those interested can view a sample at http://www.sentimental.cc.
Let’s hope that history repeats itself not just in the threat to eliminate the Queen, but in a successful effort to save her.
Sentimental Productions
August 29th, 2007 at 5:59 pm
Do you have an e-mail address I could forward some thoughts to?
September 19th, 2007 at 9:28 pm
My husband suprised me with a Delta Queen 30th Birthday cruise complete with 2 other Miami U couples. Not only did I get this suprise I also got pregnant and now have a 32 yr old as proof of a wonderful lazy river cruise.
The rudder broke, as were about to leave the public landing, so the first 12 hrs were spent on the banks of Cincinnati and the DRINKS WERE ON THE HOUSE! We could have stayed there all week as it was so much fun.
I always go down to see the Queen when she comes for the Derby.
September 23rd, 2007 at 2:40 am
I am only 13, I am a history buff, I know alot about thease boats, Titanic, Olympic, Lusitania, Britannic, DELTA QUEEN, I hope the DQ will come to Chattanooga before if its retired, and I hope it is not retired, I hope she keeps on steaming.
October 23rd, 2007 at 1:56 am
It is time to save two true American Icons, THE DELTA QUEEN and the world’s fastest passenger ship, the S.S. UNITED STATES. Get the word out and lets see if we can salvage some working AMERICAN PRIDE! Thank you.
October 25th, 2007 at 3:40 pm
I hope folks listen, what a wionderful part of American History, a part that should be continued!
October 25th, 2007 at 3:41 pm
I hope the folks that make these type of decisions listen; what a wonderful part of American History, a part that should be continued!
October 25th, 2007 at 7:28 pm
As a 13 time passenger on the DQ, I am certainly very concerned about her and will do all I can to help. I have contacted my Congressman, Keith Ellison, as well as Rep. Oberstar to voice my concern. I am awaiting replies from both. However I must take exception to your comment about Rep. Oberstar being influenced by labor (in this case). I doubt very much that the fate of the few crew on the DQ will carry much weight with anyone and I think your remark will polarize and turn away some people you will need. This should not be a partisan issue. I suspect the Majestic Line is more concerned about insurance for the DQ than trying to save her. Please let me know if there is anything else I can do to assist.– Pat Freeburg
October 25th, 2007 at 9:11 pm
I’m sorry. But the owners of the boat have trashed their employees and busted their union. I wouldn’t trust a company on fire safety that treats their employees this way. Let’s find a responsible owner who is fair to the employees and then maybe they can be trusted to run a safe boat.
October 25th, 2007 at 10:07 pm
I’ll get the word out here on the west coast. Sacramento is the home of the “Delta King” the twin of the Queen. It is unfortunately docked forever. I have stayed on the King a few times, and it is a beautiful boat. The Queen should stay afloat.
October 26th, 2007 at 7:19 pm
As an adult I moved to the Ohio River Valley and know how much the Queen added to understanding the history and to the enjoyment of the area.
Since I can see no valid argument for not allowing her to continue I most strongly support Congressional action to make this possible.
Ethel Lawson
Venice, FL
November 6th, 2007 at 7:01 pm
I think that Mr. Obestar needs to listen to the people & not the union, to keep this this peace of history on the river.
October 18th, 2008 at 3:09 am
I’ve had the wonderful opportunity to cruise on the Delta Queen four times, beginning in 1997. My most recent trip was this past September 13 to 23, 2008. The boat and her crew are the best and it’s hard to accept that that might have been the last time I’ll see the Delta Queen. She’s part of history and shouldn’t be terminated. Too many people love and depend on her.