The world is looking at America, the world is watching the US Congress allowing more than 80 years of American History being destroyed forever, the historic steamboat Delta Queen vanishing from our rivers. The whole world is watching? Yes, almost! I’ve just checked the server statistics for the last 4 weeks and found visitors from the following countries:
- Canada
- Mexico
- Peru
- Panama
- Brazil
- Norway
- Finland
- Sweden
- Denmark
- Poland
- Germany
- Austria
- United Kingdom
- France
- Italy
- Spain
- Portugal
- Czech Republic
- Croatia
- Hungary
- Romania
- Bulgaria
- Greece
- Turkey
- Iran
- United Arab Emirates
- Egypt
- Algeria
- Tunesia
- Senegal
- Nigeria
- Namibia
- South Africa
- Pakistan
- India
- Bangladesh
- Japan
- China
- Taiwan
- South Korea
- Thailand
- Indonesia
- Malaysia
- Philppines
- Papua New Guinea
- Australia
- New Zealand
Going back 3 months of server statistics, there are even more countries where people read about the Delta Queen on
- Argentina
- Chile
- Iceland
- Ireland
- Slovakia
- Macedonia
- Lithuania
- Latvia
- Estonia
- Malawi
- Tanzania
- Uganda
- Iraq
- Kuwait
- Vietnam
Isn’t that something to think about? People all around the world are caring about the Delta Queen. Why doesn’t the US Congress?
Your support is needed!
There is only one way to save the Delta Queen! We need an exemption from the US Congress. Contact your Senators and urge them to support the exemption to save the Delta Queen. Senator George Voinovich of Ohio is going to introduce an exemption bill in the Senate shortly after Labor Day. He need as much Senators to support him as possible to be successful.
Also don’t forget to let your Senators know that the Delta Queen is not a safety issue as claimed by her opponents.