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The Online Petition on for an exemtion for the steamboat Delta Queen has more than 1,000 supporters as of today. People from all over the country are shocked and feeling very sad about the plans of the Congress not to issue a new exemption for the Delta Queen allowing her to run as an overnight passenger vessel past 2008.
As Tom & Lucy Claggett (Knoxville, MD) are writing it, being the 1,000st supporter of the petition: "To allow politics to take the Delta Queen out of service would be one more American tragedy. If Congress allows this, we should petition to be allowed to return to colonial status under England – we don’t deserve to be an independent nation."
How can one express his feelings more clearly than with this comment? And who doesn’t agree?
Definitely all of the supporters agree in what former Delta Queen Steamboat Company entertainer Laura Sable of Seattle, WA, writes in her comment: "It’s a journey back in time and a connection to the glorious history of our country. Save the DQ!"
December 3rd, 2007 at 4:02 pm
I am so tired of congress trying to legislate our lives. Freedom means Freedom of Choice. There is risk in all that we do. Deciding whether or not to take the risk is the right of every American. No one is forced to cruise on the Delta Queen. Let us decide for themselves. Grant the Delta Queen the necessary waiver.
December 3rd, 2007 at 7:07 pm
Thank you Franz, for all you are doing to help save the Delta Queen.
December 5th, 2007 at 1:31 am
I’m lost! How do I sign this petition?
December 5th, 2007 at 6:17 am
Maybe we should have an ol’ fashioned Tea Party on the Mississippi…
I’d rather have a Mint Julep, just cruisin along.
December 5th, 2007 at 8:28 pm
How dare the government deprive us of the right to choose to enjoy such a genuine experience as cruising along on the Delta Queen is? What happened to Government by the people for the people?
December 5th, 2007 at 9:10 pm
Hi Ron,
Government “by and for the People” is an ideal – the American dream. We must strive to live up to that ideal and make the dream real. We need to save our boat and our country.