There will be a PRESS CONFERNECE in Cincinnati on Friday, October 26th, at the Steam boat Park, by the Big Paddlewheel, with U.S. Rep. Steve Chabot, of Ohio, at 12:30 PM. Anyone knowing ANYONE in Cincinnati, ask them to show up with a home made sign to Save the Delta Queen, or We Support Cincinnati’s Delta Queen, or other positive signs to let people know we havea lot of support to Save The Delta Queen.
Please call the mayors around Cincinnati, and ask them to call their local Radio Stations, and ask people to show up. You can also call te radion Stations yourself. This will be the first BIG KICKOFF to get National Publicity . This meeting will have feeds to the National Television Staitions and get the coverage we desperately need. PLEASE, PLEASE, PLEASE, put on your thinking cap, and think of any and everyone you know in Cincinnati, or across the River in Kentucky and urge them to show up. We need 1,000 or more people.
October 25th, 2007 at 8:43 am
Note: The starting time for the press conference has changed to 12:30 pm!
October 26th, 2007 at 1:55 am
Congress must allow continued exemptions for the Delta Queen Steamboat that plys inland rivers and waterways. The Majestic America Company is prepared to continue regular cruises with this historic vessel. They have the funds to continue the necessary maintenance for safe passage of the DQ steamboat and its passengers. It is my understanding that the DQ is in exceptional condition to continue sailing and that her fire prevention abilities are of the finest that can be had.
The wooden hulled 1776 Constitution still floats with her wooden hull and steam railway locomotives still operated on tourist lines with engines that predate the 1926 DQ.
A continued exemption for the DQ is a reasonable request and should be issued for her continued service.
Don L. Leistikow… 14385 W.Wilbur Drive… New Berlin, WI. 53151… 262-782-1168
October 27th, 2007 at 7:26 pm
Here is alink to video of the press conference.